The Confined Space Supervisor course Learning Outcomes and Competences consists of:
- Understand the legislation applying to Confined Space Work
- Understand Confined Space Classifications
- Apply the Water UK Confined Spaces Policy for Work in Confined Spaces
- Undertake risk assessments for Confined Space Work
- Develop Safe Systems of Work and Safe Methods of Work for Confined Space Operations (including risk assessments, method statements, rescue plans and permits to work)
- Select, install and maintain control measures including hygiene procedures
- Understand the mechanism of atmosphere testing and monitoring
- Develop, install and maintain emergency plans and procedures
- Maintain records and documents for Confined Space work
- Understand and apply the requirements for the selection and training of personnel required to enter and work in confined spaces and be part of a rescue team
This course is suitable for all personnel who are required to manage, plan and supervise confined space operations, including those personnel required to write a confined space Safe System of Work (Risk Assessment, Method of Works, Rescue Plan) and prepare and issue Permits to Work for confined space entry.
If supervising teams in low risk or medium risk confined spaces learners must also hold a City and Guilds Working in Medium Risk Confined Spaces qualification (6160-02 or 6160-09). If supervising teams in high risk confined spaces learners must also hold a City and Guilds Working in High Risk Confined Spaces qualification (6160-03).